Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Production Execution Way

Reliability Engineering

  • Reliability Engineering is everything you do today to prevent product failure tomorrow.
  • Reliability engineering is fundamentally about the probability that a product, system, or service consistently perform their intended functions over time.
  • Functionally, reliability engineering is responsible for the development of reliability requirements for the system and design of the system or product to meet the reliability requirements.
  • So the term Reliability & Reliability Engineering is the ability of a system, product, or service to perform its intended function under specific conditions for a set period of time. 
  • Reliability is a key focus of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), a software engineering practice that aims to create reliable, scalable software systems.

As the Reliability engineers perform a variety of tasks, including: 

  1. Analyzing data
  2. Conducting tests
  3. Collaborating with cross-function teams
  4. Identifying weaknesses or areas of improvement
  5. Making decisions based on data
  6. Examining production losses
  7. Inspecting assets that are incurring high maintenance costs
  8. Working with management and operations to find the root cause of losses
  9. Establishing or improving a predictive and preventive maintenance plan
  10. Managing health, safety, and environmental risks